Ionic Foot Detox

What is an Ionic Foot Detox?

The machine uses electrical current to de-compound water into massive amounts of positive and negative energy ions. Everyone has energy ions and the machine is designed to react to the ions through the water.

The charges in the water draws out toxins from your body, more specifically your feet as they are placed in the water. The therapy works by the process of opposite charges being attracted between the charges in the water, and in your body. So negatively charged toxins in your blood are drawn to the positive ions in the water, and vice versa. This is what causes the water to change color, and the color depends on the cause of the toxins.

A detox bath is designed to restore, balance, and cleanse the energy in your body. This energy is seen as a force that flows through our bodies and has a direct impact on how we feel.

The different colors and textures of the water correspond to the different areas of the body that are detoxing.

Contact me to schedule your ionic foot bath

Punch cards are available. Complete 5 ionic foot detoxes get the 6th free!